We’re looking forward to an exciting online chat on the first Wednesday in June organized by Debrecen Business Service Centers. Four young professionals from the business services sector talk about how they experienced their career choices, job searches and what they experienced after entering. Through their individual career paths, they present the BSC sector and their day-to-day work.
- How can someone build a career in a large international company?
- What key competencies are important?
- What is your first day at work like? What development opportunities does the business service sector offer?
- What preconceptions did the newcomers come with and were these overridden by the experience?
- Lots of related experiences, stories, etc.
Date: 2nd of June, 2021 (Wednesday) 16: 00-17: 30 (CEST)
Venue: YouTube stream (Debrecen BSC Roundtable on YT channel)
More details coming soon on Facebook page of Debrecen BSC Roundtable!
Until then, check episode #2 on Youtube!